Feb 4,
truck accident causes
Common Causes of Truck Accidents

Truck Accident Causes Even though commercial trucks have become a common sight on the interstates and highways, some motorists have become complacent and have forgotten just how dangerous commercial trucks can be. Dashner Law specializes in tractor-trailer truck accidents and knows how important it is to arm yourself with knowledge about just how deadly commercial…

Feb 4,
dwi accident attorneys
4 Steps That Should Be Taken Following Car Crashes

Being in a car accident can be scary and confusing. Between the loud sirens, flashing lights, and overall mayhem, you may not know what you should do to help yourself and your family. At Dashner Law, we know that car crashes can cause medical and financial hardships, which is why we urge our clients to…

Feb 4,
safe driving tips in irving tx
Compelling Truck Accident Statistics and Safe Driving Tips

According to truck accident statistics published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, thousands of people die and hundreds of thousands of people are injured in truck accidents every year. These statistics illustrate just how important it is to stay alert and aware when driving near semi-trucks. By utilizing a few safe driving techniques, you…

Feb 4,
hire an attorney
Know When to Hire an Attorney for a Car Accident

A car accident can be a rough experience, even if it is just a minor fender-bender. If there are injuries involved, the situation becomes even more traumatic. At Dashner Law, we are all too familiar with the physical, mental and emotional toll a wreck can take. It is important to know your rights after a…

Feb 4,
reasons to hire an lawyer
Top 4 Reasons to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney

Reasons To Hire An Attorney Getting in an accident is a traumatic experience, and many people feel overwhelmed with all the information and decisions that have to be made during this critical time. In some situations, you can handle the case on your own, but in others, you can benefit significantly from hiring a personal…

Feb 4,
how to get license back
How Do I Get My Suspended Drivers License Back?

For people living in large states like Texas, license suspension can be incredibly inconvenient, interfering with work, recreation, and even relationships. If you are in this situation, you are probably desperate to know how to get your suspended driver’s license back. At Dashner Law, we specialize in auto accidents and traffic laws, so we understand…

Feb 4,
multi-vehicle car accidents
Determining Fault in a Multi-Vehicle Car Accident Lawsuit

Multi-Vehicle Car Accident: Who’s At Fault? Car accidents can be challenging enough to deal with when there are only two vehicles involved, but when you add one or more additional vehicles to the equation, it can be difficult to determine exactly who is at fault. At Dashner Law, we are familiar with the complexities of…

Feb 4,
when to get a lawyer
When Should I Get an Attorney for a Car Accident?

After being injured in a car accident, life can get complicated. Attending constant doctor appointments, dealing with medical bills, and still attempting to live daily life as normally as possible can be a struggle. The idea of searching for and hiring an attorney for a car accident may feel like one too many things to…

Feb 4,
A Lawyer confers with his clients about a serious injury case
Selecting the Right Attorney Is Key After a Serious Injury

Importance of Selecting the Right Lawyer Accidents happen every day. Depending on the circumstances, these injuries may require legal attention in addition to medical assistance. Victims may wonder how to go about selecting the right attorney to help them collect money for the harm they have suffered. At Dashner Law, we understand that this process…

Feb 4,
dwi accident attorney irving tx
DWI Accident Victims Often Don’t See Justice Served

It seems that almost every day, there is a story in the news about a drunk driver who has caused a serious crash, often killing or seriously injuring innocent victims. Without a doubt, drunk drivers are negligent and need to be held responsible for their crime. However, you may be surprised at how often this…



If you’ve suffered a personal injury or been involved in an accident, reach out to the Dashner Law Firm for dedicated support in securing the maximum compensation you deserve. Our expert team is committed to advocating for your rights and ensuring justice is served.

Phone 972-793-8989



    4500 Fuller Dr #209, Irving, TX 75038
    4275 Little Rd, #205, Arlington, TX 76016
    813 N Main St #608, McAllen, TX 78501
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