
After being injured in a car accident, life can get complicated. Attending constant doctor appointments, dealing with medical bills, and still attempting to live daily life as normally as possible can be a struggle. The idea of searching for and hiring an attorney for a car accident may feel like one too many things to handle. At Dashner Law, our attorneys understand the hardships that many individuals and their families face after an accident. However, we also know that having an attorney at your side to fight for your rights during a car accident lawsuit is essential for many accident victims.

Extent of Your Injuries

Even if another party was negligent and responsible for causing your injuries, that does not mean that the driver’s insurance company will willingly pay for the damages. Therefore, unless the injuries are severe enough, the cost of hiring an attorney for a car accident may not be justified. Anyone in the following situations should consider contacting an attorney:

  • Your accident left you with serious injuries that may have long-term repercussions.
  • One or more of the other drivers were underinsured or uninsured.
  • Fault is in dispute.
  • A claims adjuster is pressuring you to reach a quick settlement.
  • The amount of your settlement offer does not compensate you for your current and future accident-related medical expenses.
  • The statute of limitations is approaching.

Get the Compensation You Deserve

After retaining an attorney for a car accident, you can gain peace of mind in knowing that someone who knows the claims process, the court system, and how to get you the compensation you deserve is fighting for you. Those who need to find a personal injury attorney can benefit from contacting us at Dashner Law by calling 972-793-8989

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